This catchy club techno song was created using Pammy's snort and typical Shar-Pei breathing to compose the drums and the main melody. The other melodies in the song are samples of someone laughing as a result of Pammy snorting. http://musicpetcetera.com |
CD: 3 Song Sampler CD
Credits: Michael J. Newman |
This funky song was created to remember Sadie, a Chinese Shar-Pei who recently passed away from the result of kidney failure due to Shar-pei fever. Complete with a squeaky toy solo from one of Sadie's old squeaky toys, this funky song captures the personality of Sadie. She loved to lay on the spiral staircase and just watch the world go by. Sadie's cat friend Fluffy also makes an appearance. Sadie will be missed, but this song will live on in memory of every aspect of her personality.
Song notes: The cars driving by the house were recorded from the staircase Sadie used to lay. The drum line is aided by jingling licenses and leashes. Sadie's owner also showed me a chess set (can be heard near the end of the song) where Sadie would knock all of the pieces down by sniffing them after they were set up.
Credits: Michael J. Newman |
This Spanish influenced acoustic guitar song was created for Mr. Bojangles, a Bloodhound puppy. He squeaks, whistles, and makes all sorts of crazy noises when he gets wound up. Reggie, a German Shepherd, also lends his voice to this song.
Song notes: The main drum lines were created from Mr. Bojangles tail hitting various objects including the kitchen floor and tables. Other components for the drum lines came from Mr. Bojangles' leash and license jingling . The whistling melody in the middle of the song is also Mr. Bojangles. Howling credits go to Reggie.
Credits: Michael J. Newman |