NEWS 10/10/2000
(Click here to jump straight to the tunes!)
The release of the single is going very well. Feedback has been excellent.....
"...a crackin' ep... great tough beats exactly how I like 'em...." - Matt (Phantom Beats)
"YEEEEESSSSS! I wish I'd actually been there in the mix, at the desk, IN the faders when they made this....... Watch this go." - Annie Nightingale (Radio 1)
"excellent EP! will be in my box for quite a while" - Bengston
"it's a genuinly great record" - DJ Scissorkicks
"Great debut, can't wait to hear more from this artist." - Aras (
"Best release from this label yet, a dancefloor killer." - DJ Hyper
"....this rocks! Sounds like the bastard son of Liam Howlett! Nice one." - Decky (Headrock Valley Beats)
The EP is out now. For those of you who don't have access to a decent records store, you can buy the EP online, at
Hey, if you like the tunes, why not give some feedback and sign our guestbook:
