Rocking in a Southern-style way!
Credits: All done by me |
A happy, dreamy, floaty sort of piece. It has a very upbeat, optimistic feel to it - maybe I have invented a new genre: Anti-blues! |
Credits: All done by me |
This started with some samples I came across of wolves howling. I put a few of them together to make a sort of sound-scape, then put some music behind them that was sort of inspired by the noises. The piece has wound up sounding very wintry and cold, and the wolves sound sort of mournful. |
Credits: All done by me |
With all these pointy guitars and 7 string guitars cluttering up the place I thought it might be time to put down something a bit heavier sounding and unashamedly shred. The title came out of an online discussion of Ambrosia, and I made the piece in two parts purely so I could have that in the title! |
Credits: All done by me |
This is a piece of music I first recorded back in the late 80's. Now I have a better
recording setup, I thought it would be interesting to do it again, with my (much) older, RSI-ridden hands. I'm thinking about a couple of other versions of this, one with a more emotive, less shred-like approach, and a performance art version involving some archive news soundtrack and a Digitech Talker. Less said about that the better. |
Credits: All done by me |
This is just a bit of fun. I got some very strange cat-like noises out of a Digitech Whammy and an envelope filter, and decided to put some drums and bass behind them. I should probably get out more. |
Credits: Everything done by me and my right foot. |