This song has the following instruments Piano, String Section, Electronic Piano, Flute (echoing), Acoustic Percussion Kit, and a Fretless Bass. These voices generate an acoustic representation of tears falling and striking a glass floor. The overall sense of the song is a relaxed melodic journey with a touch of uncertainty coupled with the soft percussive sounds of a piano that represent crying. |
Label: N/A
Credits: Adam Eshleman |
This song is comprised of acoustic guitars, strings, acoustic piano, synth lead, an acoustic percussion set with echoing claps and hi-hats, backed up by a fretless bass. The theme of this song is to represent feelings that were unknown to us until they became realized or awakened by an important experience. |
Label: N/A
Credits: Adam Eshleman |
Cool Beat is exactly what it sounds like, a song with a really great rhythm. I used about 15 different percussion sounds, combined with a pseudo-jazz styled piano. There is also a slap bass that helps drive the song along at a good clip. |
Label: N/A
Credits: Adam Eshleman |
This song is very dance oriented. The use of various sound effects, strong percussion, and a whole lot of muted guitar, gives this song a real techno feel. |
Label: N/A
Credits: Adam Eshleman |