For more information
on Waldog see
Video Presentation
12 song album montage .
2003 release.


Night Gallery Music Video Productions is offering bands and independent
artists cutting-edge, affordable alternative to big-budget music videos. This is a
cost effective way to visually promote your live shows, music, art and merchandise. For as little as
$500.00 you can have your own internet video.
See below for more specific details.
Cutting Edge of Technology
and Marketing For
ToneTile Enterprises is
offering a new service called Video Web
Promotional Service,
which specializes in graphic design music performance
videos' for the internet! We combine your "live performance"
video footage, photos and music with artistic, "personalized" text
and graphic visuals, enabling you to present a professional visual
product to the music industry, and
your fans worldwide. We
offer a cost effective alternative for bands
and independent artists who might not have the budget to commission a full-scale music
video but would like to have a high quality,
visually creative presence on the internet. Web based music/performance videos give bands and performance artists a "visual advantage" to help
promote their live shows, CD/LP/singles, label/artist
rosters and merchandise.
Below you will find an example at three different streaming speeds. When clicking on any one
of these text links, your default media player will open and begin to
stream the video clip.
You may also go directly to the NGVS
web site and click on
Note - For best motion use Pentium 200MHz or faster.
Example (same as above)

Visit the NGVS web site
to experience many more examples.
We also have an extensive FAQ page
that will answer many of the basic questions we know you will have.
ToneTile Enterprise

ToneTile Enterprises © 1997-2003