The music «Space – Myths» was presented lively in the building Spirer in Volos Greece Saturday of 10 May 2003, with parallel projection of transparencies and in collaboration with their Amateur Astronomers N. Magnesia, in the frames of World day of children's book that organised Steki of Child of Municipality Volos. Music: Emfietzidis Ioannis
CD: Space myths
Label: home studio
The music «Space – Myths» was presented lively in the building Spirer in Volos Greece Saturday of 10 May 2003, with parallel projection of transparencies and in collaboration with their Amateur Astronomers N. Magnesia, in the frames of World day of children's book that organised Steki of Child of Municipality Volos. The pieces of musical …. have titles of astronomical terms Music: Emfietzidis Ioannis
CD: Space myths
Label: home studio
The music «Space – Myths» was presented lively in the building Spirer in Volos Greece Saturday of 10 May 2003, with parallel projection of transparencies and in collaboration with their Amateur Astronomers N. Magnesia, in the frames of World day of children's book that organised Steki of Child of Municipality Volos. The pieces of musical …. have titles of astronomical terms Music: Emfietzidis Ioannis
CD: Space myths
Label: home studio