"Cupidia- very creative guitar transitions from acoustic and electric; was very surprised by the exciting quick change in tempo. I like the 'anxt' like craziness towards the end. It speaks to me of how we go from a calmness to a wild noisy life.(Which is what a friend described about the husstle and busstle of being in a large city like Tokyo)" Review by Vesa Peltonen(& most altered Willie2024)
"Ink Barrels - very ambiently mysterious and then it goes for awhile into a jazzy bass which is a bravely done and then percussion sounds take over to conclude. There are experimental sounds; sometimes the traditional piano wants to come forward it seems; well arranged" by Vesa Peltonen(& most altered Willie2024) |
MP3.com CD: XU CUEs E.P. - buy it!
Credits: jun |
"Boresome Sunflower - a very nice melodic guitar shared with a simple piano and finally comes out this ever so sweet vocals. This one seems to have a slight 'Beatlish' flavour/influence, if I may note, but not to take away from it's own original direction as a whole."
by Vesa Peltonen (& most altered Willie2024)
MP3.com CD: XU CUEs E.P. - buy it!
Credits: Jun |
002 |
Credits: Jun |
Extremely strange but recognisably Tourn Tapestria, this is a schizophrenic tripped-out lounged-up love ride into bigbeat surreality - phew!/review by Laura J Bollé and Chris Kalessin http://www.mp3.com/lauraj |
Credits: Jun |
Her Sofa is fantastic, definitely my favourite - really cool work, well done!!
Catchy and distinctively Japanese melodic trip-hop with a rich and lustrous production and an unexpected cinematic poignancy, very nice/review by Laura J Bollé and Chris Kalessin http://www.mp3.com/lauraj |
Credits: Jun |
005 |
Credits: Jun |
006 |
Credits: Jun |
007,8,9,10,11 |
Credits: Jun |
012 |
Credits: Jun |
"The Dominos - I love the piano & mix of percussion persuding me to listen further; pulled in and there; floating in is this most wonderful electric piano that is movin' as fast as a Nissan sportscar down the highway. The drums seems to sound like traditional Japanese. Great change in tempos"
by Vesa Peltonen(& most altered Willie2024)
MP3.com CD: XU CUEs E.P. - buy it!
Credits: jun |
"Same oval french nail - alluring rythm; one to make you want to move; It has well arranged changes much like the other songs.. Sometimes my mood has been changed in a second. A lot of instruments all over; some very subtle, especially guitar, piano, 'synths' organ, percussion. The vocals seems to be treated like the instruments...equally... splendidly blended productions." by Vesa Peltonen(& most altered Willie2024)
MP3.com CD: XU CUEs E.P. - buy it!
Credits: Jun |