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The Jack Butler

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    Welcome to The Jack Butler Band's MP3 page. There are other song you can listen to by clicking on our CD "Satisfaction Guaranteed" listed below our band picture. If you hear anything you like, let us know....Thanks!

    Our Story

    ERIC SCHIEBLER - Guitar/Vocals - One too many car thefts landed Eric Schiebler in New Jersey's Bonnie Brae correctional institution. As fate would have it, he was befriended there by "Eddie the Janitor", a kindly old sole who took the youth under his wing and gave him his first guitar. After realizing the boy's natural talent for the blues, Eddie cultivated the emerging bluesman and put him back on the road to recovery. After a brief tour of his homeland, Mississippi, Eric is now back where he belongs - Playing guitar in New Jersey with long-time friend, Bob Fox.
    DAVE LEPAK - Bass - Born the seventh son of bald circus midgets, Dave was introduced to show business at a very early age. However, life in the spotlight left little time for a formal education. Like family friend Gary Coleman did before him, Dave made a business blunder that haunts him to this day. In the late 1980's, Dave thought he was signing the "deal of a lifetime" with his boyhood idols Twisted Sister, but mistakenly signed a contract to roadie for pop stars Mister Mister. Devastated and legally binded, Dave fulfilled his obligation until February 1999. While on tour he received his GED, and is now making his musical comeback with The Jack Butler Band.
    BOBBY EMERSON - Drums - After being thrown out of the R.L. Johnson Elementary School in Asbury Park, New Jersey, Bobby found work as a dishwasher at the then unheard of Stone Pony. It was there that he received his well-publicized musical exposure. As the story goes, a freak lighting accident maimed the drummer for the national touring act "Moondog and the Howlin' Blues". Bobby an aspiring but inexperienced drummer, was asked to sit in. Subsequently, Bobby became a highly regarded session and fill-in man. Seen by Jack Butler personally in May of 1992, Bobby was signed immediately to be the backbone of the fledgling project.
    BOB FOX - Guitar/Vocals - Born into a white, middle-class family in deep Georgia, Bob was tragically orphaned at the tender age of five when his parents failed to return from their first hot air balloon excursion. Placed in the G.W. Carver Home for Wayward Boys, Bob overcame adversities such as juvenile arthritis, whooping cough and chronically flat feet. In 1983, after enduring seven years of torturous, non-stop AM radio at the home, Bob decided enough was enough. Looking for an alternative musical lifestyle, Bob threw caution to the wind and jumped a freight train to Mississippi. There at the Red Rooster Bar and Grease Pit, he first hooked up with Eric Schiebler. Realizing their common interest in early blues recording, the two quickly became friends. Eric soon gave Bob the original, worn, flat-top acoustic guitar that "Eddie the Janitor" had given him so many years before...the rest, shall we say, is JBB history.

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    "Song For Jack"genre: Blues Rock
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    A song for those that help you when you most need it.
    CD: You Don't Know Jack   Label: Demo
    "How Do You Know?"genre: Blues Rock
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    This song is alittle more rock then blues....
    CD: You Don't Know Jack   Label: Demo
    "Not Me"genre: Guitar Rock
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    Newly recorded song off of forth coming CD "You Don't Know Jack!"
    CD: You Don't Know Jack!
    "Satisfaction Guaranteed"genre: Blues Rock
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    Title Cut
    CD: Satisfaction Guaranteed   Label: Demo
    "Chase Your Blues Away"genre: Blues Rock
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    CD: Satisfaction Guaranteed   Label: Demo
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