"Schtuff" Bad Betsy's latest C.D. is now available! All C.D's, can be purchased at the following stores: C.D's 4 Me, Rainbow Records, Bert's C.D's and on the web at www.cdbaby.com/iggytaylor
All those choices you make each and every day. Some right, some wrong. |
CD: God Not Another One
Label: JADA
Credits: Fairfax County |
CONTEST FINALIST: This song placed in the top ten percent out of 4,000 entries from over 40 countries recently in the Unisong International Song Contest.
HONORABLE MENTION: "You Gave" has also received an honorable mention in the SongLounge.com contest. |
CD: Schtuff
Credits: Paramount Studios: Nashville |
HONORABLE MENTION: This song won honorable mention in the Songlounge.com song contest. A love song written from the perspective of a child to their parents. |
CD: Schtuff
Credits: Paramount Studios: Nashville |
Demo version of "Today" first heard on "The Best of Bad Betsy". This song has received numerous air-play on W.S.T.W's "Hometown Heroes" |
Credits: Paramount studios: Nashville |
A song written to the politicians and the movers and shakers of the world. |
CD: God Not Another One
Label: JADA
Nursing homes are like prisons. Yes I said that in this song. The result: A national charity disassocited itself with me. Money talks! |
MP3.com CD: MEDIA - buy it!
Label: JADA
Credits: Ryan Jones: Drums |
This song and "Betsy's" story were featured on W.G.M.D's Dan Gaffney morning show. |
MP3.com CD: MEDIA - buy it!
CD: Media
Label: JADA
Unplugged! This song has been featured on W.S.T.W's "Hometown Heros". |
MP3.com CD: Bad Betsy Again? - buy it!
CD: Bad Betsy Again?