Written exclusivley for and inspired by Alpha Rythm's, broadcast on the local radio station WYSO 91.3 FM. They support Independent music by playing it daily. To listen to Alpha Rhythm's nationally...broadcast every Sunday night from 8PM - 11PM...Log in at www.wyso.org to stream it live online. |
CD: Space Lab Single (unavailable to the public at this time)
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Angel Dust 216 |
A one minute history of Angel Dust 216... If you love vocoders...you will enjoy this bio. |
CD: Not available on any cd
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 2003 |
A laid back, vocoded, stream of consciousness... |
CD: Musique Non Suck
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 2003 |
An ambient-experimental piece that evolves from subtle, spacious tones to harsh aural forms and back again... The full album is NOW Available at www.216productions.com |
CD: Ambia
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 2003 |
Signal transmissions, terrestrial interference, and intelligent communications combined with the heartbeat of space. The full album is NOW Available at www.216productions.com |
CD: Ambia
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 2003 |
Originally recorded in 1993. This is the reworking of the unreleased demo, Planning By Numbers. Typically reserved for live, it is offered here and at 216 Productions.com for your enjoyment. Final remix will be available soon, so keep your eyes...and ears open. |
CD: Not available on any cd
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1993-2003 |
A gray conversation beneath dark, subtle, atmospheres. - Cold electronics. [A product of c.v., gate, sync technology sans sequencers.]
CD: Angel Dust 216
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1991 |
The soundtrack you would hear if you were walking through a city of man eating machines, and you didn't want to be noticed...but in the end, you were... [A product of c.v., gate, sync technology sans sequencers.] |
CD: Angel Dust 216
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1991 |
A dark, twisted conversation amongst many machines.....that goes senile.....[A product of c.v., gate, sync technology sans sequencers.] |
CD: Angel Dust 216
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1991 |
Almost funky...pretty in an enigmatic sort of way... [A product of c.v., gate, sync technology sans sequencers.]
CD: Angel Dust 216
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1991 |
Dark, brooding electronics combined with the sound of broken machines and sharp, electrical shocks. [A product of c.v., gate, sync technology sans sequencers.] |
CD: Angel Dust 216
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1991 |
Harsh, havoc sounds and steady rhythms sans sequencers. ZZZAPPP!!
CD: Angel Dust 216
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1992 |
One of our early experiments from way back in 1987. This is not an actual Angel Dust 216 piece, but is a track from an early incarnation of the Mox and Marsh team that exuded arcana under the id, Industrial Grinding. Dark electronics and pulses of bass emerging from dense, thick fog. |
Label: 216 Productions
Credits: Written by Mox and Marsh Copyright 1987 |