Deceptively simple sounding, Urban Haze thuds along at 120 bps. Under the very dancable exterior lies a number of phasing; shifting; trance-like counter beats and melodies. |
Combines a winding understated melody with a driving repetitive harmonic line and constant percussion. Every now and then a back masked string section will enter livening things up a bit, almost providing a conversation within the piece. Especially for Sunday morning. |
Experimental? Ambient? Minimalist? You decide. This piece contains elements from all of these styles. There is a constant melody (actually, one melody that's used three times) that also maintains the beat. The percussion however, goes on its own merry way, providing an idiosyncratic, pseudo-autonomous counter to the melody's constant (in a way itself becoming the 'feature' or melody). |
Slick yet understated, this piece uses short, repeated fragments against a chilly and seductive beat. A good way to begin or end an evening in a good mood, and in style. The title? Listen and imagine George Dubya on acid (Not much of a stretch there...). |
This piece actually comes with instructions! Firstly, make sure you're either sitting between your stereo speakers, or wearing headphones. If you're listening to it in mono, or prancing round the room you'll lose the effect of the first couple of minutes. Also, be patient! It may sound a bit weird, but it will all be worth it when the beat kicks in.
Give me feedback: tunaday@hotmail.com, bookmark this page and buy my CD and you'll make me very happy...
An array of different almost-sachrine melodies in different time signaures that fade and weave in amongst one another. It sounds 'just lovely', but actually took quite a bit of thought. |
An experimental, atmospheric little number. If you're hanging for a beat, be patient! ...It's there. This one is certainly different, but not offensive. |
Eric Satie, Henry Cowell and Edgard Varese walk into a bar... Ever been kept awake by an indistinguishable voice from upstairs? (It'll all make sense; just LISTEN to the piece...).l |
This piece has been a long time coming and was not a drum and bass thang till its last incarnation. The (so-called) lyrics have also been through a lot (so be gentle). I am quite thrilled at the 'choral' aspect of Fried. |