A good song for people who likes to listen to the lyrics as well as the music. Infact it's a story... of something (?). If you like the 'Lady' is a curtisan, but she can just as well be you. |
CD: Rooftops - LittleMoreLightPlease
Label: non
Credits: Rooftops & Fredrik Daun |
Simply a jazzsong in the core of the foundation. Some will only see the differences, but still a few will realize how its jazz-soul is a real thing. |
CD: A Little more light please!
Label: StudioRooftops
Credits: Fredrik Daun & Rooftops |
Just popped up in a whim - like it should, at least for me. Nothing to describe really, appart from the ordinary moment of inspiration. It sounded somewhat established I guess..? Only that it turned out original -which is a minimum demand in this matter. |
CD: ALittleMoreLightPlease
Label: StudioRooftops
Credits: fredrik daun (and Rooftops) |
A rocksong about closed cicuits in the cultures around - and the curious fact: There's always a traid off inbetween social success and personal/spiritual growth (what a Jungian would label 'the individuation process'. Strengthening the 'persona' trough identification with ideals on display all around us will makes us ignorant of deeper development of our SELVES. |
CD: StudioRooftops
Credits: Fredrik Daun |
See other version on this page.
This one is from the rehearsal-studio. Soundquallity's far from the best, but it has it charm and the 'Rooftop feel' is good here. |
Credits: Fredrik Daun & Rooftops |
Kind of midde-east feel to it, with a bluse-rock meddly leading back to the middle-east without ever really leaving the western world. |
MP3.com CD: A Little More Light Please - buy it! MP3.com CD: ALittleMoreLightPlease - buy it!
CD: Rooftops - LittleMoreLightPlease
Label: non
Credits: Rooftops & Fredrik Daun & Shayan Noshiravan |
Kind of story 'bout a hopeless love affair, with national borders and lots of land and sea inbetween the subjects. Quite melodramatic some would say. Spiritual because of both lyric content and a rather meditativ - 'mantric' - feel (I guess?). |
CD: Rooftops9 - second give
Label: non
Credits: fredrik daun |
A rock-pop song with english lyrics. Kind of basic setup, but with a definitiv originality to it. The reall break comes with a meddely close to the end of this short pice. |
CD: Rooftops9 - first take
Label: non
Credits: fredrik daun |
A medieval night making his way to his secret lover - the prinsess in the fortified castle (in Swedish). |
CD: Rooftops9 - first take
Label: LittleMoreLightPlease
Credits: Fredrik Daun & Rooftops |
A song about media-repetition. How everything tends to clusters on expence of variaty. First it was called 'Screens on the cinema', but it's not just a protest but a kind of "gongyo" to break throung. Freedom! |
CD: Rooftops9 - first take
Label: non
Credits: non finasial, only it is my song you know |
A smoth kind of pop song about some of these days when you seem to be part of it all - or rather: As you realise that you actually are interconected with everything else, regardles of time and space. A song about true magic, 'bout wanting to leave the circus kind of life we sometimes may find ourselves in. The realisation, in itself, puts the magic spell of freedom, somehow. |
CD: non
Label: non
Credits: Fredrik Daun & Rooftops |