Song for the internet generation. Everyone will be a sucker for this sooner or later. Ever met a girl once or twice in real life and always talk to her over MSN?? This is a song for anyone who has fallen in love with someone online. It was recorded on my crappy little 8, and wrote / performed by me, so thats why it sucks. |
CD: How To Make Out With Celebrities
Label: Hearts & Stars
Credits: Fading Stars In Autumn |
So this song was originally called "I *Heart* Kellie Martin", you know that chick in ER that got stabbed in the back? no? well it was really sad. But this was about my crush about her, but then I lost my infactuation, but now its about celebrity crushes in general. You can't hear the octave parts, that just due to my PC, sorry, maybe one day you will. |
CD: How To Make Out With Celebrities
Label: Hearts & Stars
Credits: Fading Stars In Autumn |
I like wrote this song cause I always fuck relationships up before they start. It's an okay song I guess...But I can't judge it, let me know what you think |
CD: How To Make Out With Celebrities
Label: Hearts & Stars
Credits: Fading Stars In Autumn |