Welcome to The Dissidents'
page on mp3.com. Here you'll find basic band info,
as well as mp3s from our two CD releases, Gunnysack and
Valiant. If you only download one mp3 from this site, we
ask that you choose our designated single; currently, it's the
song "Gunnysack," taken from our new CD of the
same name.
For more detailed info about the band, to purchase our CDs,
or to rate our songs using an online, anonymous form, visit our
main page, at http://www.mindspring.com/~dissident.
If you like what you hear, spread the word.
OUR CURRENT SINGLE!! This is the title track from the CD of the same name, which can be purchased from our main site. It's a song about being aware of the few things in life that really matter, and gaining the courage to leave behind the things that really don't. |
CD: Gunnysack
Title track from our first CD - exhibits a motif running through many of our songs, that of, as Stuart Adamson from Big Country once said, "a pride that grows in hardship." |
CD: Valiant
Taken from the "Valiant" CD, and probably my favorite from this album. A song about loving those intangible things that make us who we are, and never wanting to let them go. Is that abstract enough for you? |
CD: Valiant
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