Powerful destruction, fables of the mass construction,astonishing sound and incredible riffs, with thoughts abound and juicy licks. Let's listen fully until we're sober, cuz' the wind is chilly and I'm with a Latin lover. What's the matter, ?no habla espanol???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
CD: Imaginary Flowers
Label: Barking Tiger Productions
Credits: Written by Mr. Sun. (Aaron Huisenfeldt, Joe Saldana, Jason Collins). Produced by Joe Saldana and Aaron Huisenfeldt. |
Just follow the white rabbit. | MP3.com CD: imaginary flowers - buy it!
CD: Imaginary Flowers
Label: Barking Tiger Productions
Credits: Written by Aaron, Jason, Jon, and produced and mixed by Joe Saldana ( www.mp3.com/joesa/ ) and Mr. Sun. |
Seemlessly melded mix of hip hop and pop with a little twist of rock. Listen, if you will to the bass as it changes, and watch as your mind stops changing places, it races. This ain't no battles of the sexes...see I told you muchas veces. | MP3.com CD: imaginary flowers - buy it!
CD: Imaginary Flowers
Label: Barking Tiger Productions
Credits: Written, recorded, produced, performed by Aaron Huisenfeldt and Joe Saldana |
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