Making a good first impression is everything. A second impression--if one has the opportunity to make one--is even MORE crucial. Does love at first sight exist in today's world of the short attention span? The answer is: YES! |
CD: the IMPACT! Sings "SHAKE!" & Other Songs EP.
Credits: Lyrics: Recacho. Music: Mattson/Recacho/Nooney. |
Meaning is lost somewhere on its trip between the brain & the mouth. Why talk when you could dance your way into someone's heart/knickers? And with the "dancing as sex" metaphor holding true, what's stopping YOU from shaking YOUR tail feather? |
CD: the IMPACT! Sings "SHAKE!" & Other Songs EP.
Credits: Lyrics: Recacho. Music: Mattson/Recacho/Nooney. |
The Modernist credo? A way of life? A declaration of--dare we say it--LOVE? Or an homage to all things f-a-s-t? All four, actually. If all this talk has got you feeling a bit faint here's the prescription to get rid of that PURPLE HEART:
3 minutes & 14 seconds to help you shake off those (FRENCH) BLUES! |
CD: the IMPACT! Sings "SHAKE!" & Other Songs EP.
Credits: Lyrics: Recacho. Music: Mattson/Recacho/Nooney |