Went to sleep thinking I was on my honeymoon. Awoke alone in a butcher shop. Why am I covered in mustard? Why is the fellow in the blood-stained apron smiling at me? |
Take one guitar, then add another. On its ghastly and wicked nature I shall not dwell. |
handing out 5 king sized and 9 regular sized candy bars to 15 preschoolers is sure to cause a riot. Why must I do it whenever possible? |
The musical saga of a spiritual zealot whose journey to the promised land takes a bizarre yet prophetic twist when a missed airport connection leaves him at a Las Vegas puppeteer's convention - where he finds true enlightenment. |
Automated Composition - Looped Electronic / Techno / Blues |
Blues Jam Techno Loops |
Credits: George Grant - Arrangement, Production, Mix |