A heavy guitar driven song with an orchestral backing to add depth to the song. With melodic breakdowns and crashing riff's, this song's got it all |
A very melodic piano piece. It has a part with some slow string backing but other than that, it's strickly piano |
Again, industrial drums set against melodic guitar playing and a crushing ending to bring it all down |
A powerful song capturing the feelings associated with being all alone in the world. Blends from sadness to anger! (Note: This is the newer version of the song) |
Credits: Special thanks to Matt Desmarais for his insight and knowledge |
A very sad, moving piece that reflects back on ones life when they finally reach a crossroad |
This song is my first collaboration with my cousin. Energy driven with a killer outro! |
Credits: Intricate Unit (Ben) |
A very strong yet short piece about reflecting back at everything you've done and not done in your life |