An ambient soundtrack to a photograph of
Stu Jenks. Go to www.stujenks.com to view an image of "The Three Surrenders" Running Time: 6:29. |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
Was it Christina Grof and Jacqueline Small or someone else all together who first said "We are not Human Beings having a Spiritual Experience, but Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience." It doesn't matter who said it first. It just matters that we are. Running time: 16:47. |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
In June of 2003, a devastating wildfire burned up and over Mt. Lemmon north of Tucson, Arizona. Along with most of the village of Summerhaven being destroyed, a personally sacred area of Mt. Lemmon, The Red Ridge trail, was furiously burned. The Red Ridge has been the location of much of my photographic work, and its loss is terribly sad to me as well as to others. Yes, rebirth and new growth will come, but right now, the death and loss need to be honored. This ambient piece is my sonic prayer for the persons who lost their homes, for the animals who lost their lives and for the trees who became ash. Running time: 12:35 minutes. |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
Has this ever happened to you? You’re walking in a dense forest alone, when you come across the inexplicable? Something that is magical and foreign, yet seems to belong there. Something that is old yet ageless. A window perhaps between two worlds. A Looking Glass. Has this ever happened to you. Running Time: 9:26 minutes. |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
A waking dream about two boys: One boy, from another time, sitting on the banks of the Tigris River, watching the boats go by, and another boy, along the Rappahannock River, fishing off a pier.
Running Time: 12:12 |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
A Waltz written for the image "Ghosts Horses". To view this image and others, go to www.stujenks.com. Running Time: 3:07 |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
A soundtrack written for the image "Stu and Stuart Sleeping". Running time: 7:46 |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
An ambient soundtrack to a photograph of
Stu Jenks. Go to www.stujenks.com to view an image of "Leaving Middle Earth". Running Time: 6:15. |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
Sunday June 22nd, 2003. The fire on Mt. Lemmon rages on. From here on the Tucson Valley floor, I can see clouds forming from the smoke and I see large red flames, leaping in the air. I'm sad for the creatures, for the trees, for the people, for me. And for a little Baby Blue Spruce tree that was once a model of mine (see "Baby Blue Spruce" at www.stujenks.com), a silent friend that was always there by the north side of the trail, and from what I've seen on the news and with my own eyes, surely is gone. This piece is a remembrance of the days and nights, when I said hello to this little Blue Spruce tree as i walked by, of times when I dressed it up with Christmas Balls, of times when I gently shooked the snow off its limps, of times when the wind blew through its branches. I'll miss you Baby Blue. Running time: 6:37 minutes. |
Credits: Stu Jenks: E-MU XK-6 |
One Sunday recently, I hiked up Ventana Canyon to see how it had changed since the Aspen Fire (see “Aspen Fire Ring” at www.stujenks.com. That is a shot of Ventana Canyon near the end of the blaze). Shirtless, with a couple of liters of water and my Brownie Camera slung over my back, I ascended this steep and not much traveled trail. Above the fire line, I found the ashen white silhouettes of whole burnt Mesquites, the islands of living Prickly Pears spared by the capriciousness of the fire, the natural fire break that the boulders in the bottom of the canyon created, keeping much of the fire on the eastern slope. And the small tufts of New Green, of grass coming back with the help of recent monsoon rains. This photograph and this musical piece are about the movement toward wholeness, the connection of land and rain and ash, the continuation ofthe Big Circle. Running time: 5:05 minutes.