a jazzy swing song about meeting a lover |
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
a fun story about driving the Peak to Peak highway in Colorado... |
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
a beautiful pop ballad about insomnia |
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
a country rock crooner about what a man does after he loses his wife of 40 years |
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
sweet deep vocals with great acoustic guitar sounds |
CD: Exit 42
great lyrics on this song about change!!! |
CD: Exit 42
an upbeat pop song about me trying to make sense of the world |
CD: Exit 42
CD: Exit 42
a funny song about dogs, playing music in a bar, and the meaning of life |
CD: Exit 42
hi-life guitar groovin' fun to dance to type of song |
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
a hip sexy story about meeting someone and wondering where they are from...excellent drum work by Christian Teale |
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
a bluesy vocally oriented song with excellent guitar work by Glen Esparza |
CD: Songs from a Restless Sleeper
CD: Feed Your Dog
a poetic song about four girls in Seattle |
CD: Exit 42
deep, intense and thought provoking |
CD: Exit 42
sexy and sultry with an acoustic slide guitar |
CD: Exit 42
CD: Exit 42
CD: Exit 42
CD: Feed Your Dog
a jazzy swing song with great vocals |
CD: Feed Your Dog
acoustic slide guitar with an alternative tuning makes this song intriguing to the ear |
CD: Feed Your Dog
CD: Feed Your Dog
CD: Feed Your Dog