Nicolasflysurf pretendant de Mariahwind Home
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Nicolasflysurf pretendant de

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    Hello i ma Prince charmant windsurfer named "flower of the seas" I will eclipse to tahiti , soon for eternity, If I got no others solutions , i Plan to write philosophy books ,windsurf and sing in tahiti or guadeloupe islands in 2003 or 2004 untill the end of my days : I am a secret pretendant to the blazing legendarious déesse Mariah carey the magnifiscent celebrous fierce océanide from America. .

    .Im a new singer .I am the most kiss curl of the 50000000 pretendants to the supérior déesse of the wind Mariah Carey on earth , and that page was wrote to make understand the lord that im gonna leave to tahiti soon cause if i fail to seduce and embrace her one day cause i need a paradise life in tahiti and she raised up an infinite sad feeling about to dont be allowed to worship her as the coronation etincelant princess she is imperishably . (my other page nicolas pretendant de caroline is a fake and others songs are too destined to this natural grace beauty mariah! I m under a embers passion feeling with a somptuous Magic Siren and I feel melancolic and romantic to be dissipated into the turquoise lukewarm ocean ;peep also my 2 others pages rap experimentals 2002 where I played some cool beats Download my FRENCH poesies and my begginer french philosophic novels. Voltaire /Ira levin /graham masterton/hp lovecraft/stephen king type / typego to to read my philosophics novels with the celebrous magic Princess i admire seduced by me inside !

    THis antic jowel is one of the presents i propose to the Superior Déesse Mariah Carey with my immutable love : im not a known artist and I UNDERSTAND WHY actually : Oh no : my melodies are often inexistants and its complex for me to succed to make only ONE great song alone as im not english and i like english music : i apologize : but i only dream about to have an affair with this perfect legendarious naîde ,this superior white Cloth grâce divinity Mariah c .: i dream and covet somtimes to be allowed to love her cause im romantic .If she emails me one day / I will give her this special present that my mother gave me from marroco as long as she allows me into her bedroom (Be in the same bedroom than a fairy It must be touching !)...the difference beetween me and others men is : im tender and i never lie .THis page is not a joke at all and the real feelings i got into my head each days .

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION : the word " pretendant in french means " wanna have an affair " , an english person said to me that i made a mistake by using this word in english cause in english it means " looks like " but It was not a t all my volonty to say that ! WHAT an horrible mistake ! I don't wanna be like a woman even if its a deesee ! ahah

    Some of the The french pretendant Nicolas from paris firsts promesses to the splendid blazing déesse Mariah Carey if she wants me(but she have rights to say no ... hihi )

    -WHo will take you to an Ancient Romantic Rock Castle castle called "Haut Koenigsbourg" near the mysterious deep forest of East France . , the place of an enchanted princess like your , to have a dinner behind lighted candelabres ,and after , to carress passionatly your exceptionnal body and your seductive hair , Déesse -Nymph Mariah Carey if you become my déesse-girlfriend? Me : Nicolas de 24 ans .

    : NICOLAS , THE french writer , your better pretendant !

    - Who will teach you french , who will teach you to windsurf and to sail for example, superb infinite sugar déesse Mariah Carey , the place of an imperrissable beauty like you ?

    Who will play with you and bring up little animals and fish in aquariums for example ? Déesse flashy Mariah Carey ?ahaha its funny but i like this promise dont you know i know perfectly how to elevate the precious fishs like a lot of differents every colors cychlidaes in aquariums , dont you know i know how to make them perfects ? ?So come to jiggy , I pray ....Don't send me a spell to dissolute me : I got a passion for you . I will flysurf to unsettled turquoise sea real soon ...alone somewhere . Oh so physically troublant princess ,I ll think about you before i see a enormous wave .

    HOT NEW !!! 2003june promise ! Who will talk to you during the nights ( using a dictionnary at the begginig hihi ), keep your secrets and secure you like the nearest sympathic international person you will ever be able to get ? ( dont esperate to find another guy ... if you prefer an arrogant stupid guy , its your affaire : but keep in mind that you WONT FIND AGAIN A peaceful trustable MAN LIKE ME : NEVER IN YOUR LIFE dont come to cry in 20 years : "in my life i only found vulgarious ddetestable arrogants dominants stupids humans

    - Who will include you , your really precious philosophy ,and your beauty In his philosophics novels only IF you allow him to kiss you and to make you a lot of teasing , legendary eternal Princesse Mariah Carey ? ME NICOLAS DE 23 ANS ! SO COME ON.( do u want to live forever beautiful ? you know .... ONLY me will propose you , your beauty and your philosophie to become eternal with books and to pacifiate the world :but see ... the problem is : I inexplicably need to have a SECRET affair before !YOu're a young dazzling princess : and I wanna stole you from your gigantic castle tower .. and if you dont allow me to make you teasing ... You'll never appear into my french philosophics novels and your beauty won't be described with a french poetic style !So you know what you gotta do : SEND AN email to and i will come to see you where you are to kiss you , mountain level beauty Siren Mariah Carey .

    - who will try to compose stuffs in glory to the magnifiscient exquisite taste of your colored delicate soul untill hes old , even classical music maybe with a djmoZZZart STYLE maybe ,if u you want ? nicolas de 24,2 ans et de 1m 82 ,3

    - WHo will carress passionatly your long eyeleash untill the sun is orange , who will always be here immortaly in secret to be ur friend , NIce oppulant body and perfect mind déesse Mariah Carey ? I SWEAR :ME : nicolas le mec sexy de 24,3 ans

    who will divert with you in old 1930 attractions parks ?

    - Who will be always inpired and even a lot more after he gets your magic physical appearence INTO HIS BED before you're old ? Me : NICOLAS , the incredible Looping capable windsurfer intelligent beautiful and perfect sympathic husband POET french (different than english , no need to say it again )man de 25 ans .

    - who needs the purety of your divine soul near him , and hes gone maybe dissipate into the truquoise ocean soon if he cant get you ? Nicolas le windsurfer de 25 ans

    - which french romantic man will love as much you need ?untill the clouds stop their ways and go to windsurf when he bores you ?And who need just from you to be allowed to love you as elegant as the sun déesse Mariah Carey ?

    - Which person really propose to support you wonderful princess ,around the craqling charmant fire in the cheminee into your manoir in secret when you tired in the evening and carress you ?

    - Who will protect you from others guys who dont really love you ? and you know it ,as fierce as a panther déesse M

    novemeber 2003 : my departure for the islands ,to windsurf and flysurf for ever ,is really imminent .please foregt the style of thess old songs : i just made a song called " all i want is to sing a love song to mariah " which is fantastic ! the melody is for the first time really beautiful : theses melodyes where not so good : i know , but i think i will make true beautiful love songs to mariah later : theses ones are not so good .

    5 november 2003 : i changed my mind : i uploaded a song , before i record my next serious song called " all i want is to sing a love song to mariah " : so i sent a fast stuff callled " une improvisation for mariah c." .My hope is that my next serious song will be super ! My dream is to know this woman because she's beautiful andd exceptionnal and intelligent . download my old journal about mariah c.

    Mariah C. if you decide to write me : write to powersamples@free.Fr and I'll come where you are to kiss you , bye . if you dont I'll probably deseappear in the maginfiscent tuquoise sea of hawaii or guadeloupe real soon i pray the lord a lot for this !(1 or 2 years ).
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    "twist it wind déesse ( morceau) ._copy"genre: Contemporary Urban
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    My voice is better than before . ANd it will become better soon . I m so proud to sing this song in glory to the backsides of the déesse mariah carey .I fone day she call me in a nyway , i will be the only man who is really serious about to have an affair with her .
    Credits: nicolas WINDSURF every instruments all vocals
    "wind around you"genre: Jazz Vocals
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    the first song i dedicated to the déesse Mariah Carey : this somptuous and magic fée .I was a begginer , so the voice was not really good , haha ,but i like the harmony , its a little bit boring cause i was a begginer , but the message is real :i feel under a spell when i dream about this enchanted etincelant Princess since that midsummer night dream i had into my Van in hyères , var france .
    Credits: nicolas
    "Choose me , Wind beauty :better voices ."genre: Contemporary Urban
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    a song that i destinate to mariah carey to try to have an affair
    Credits: nicolas WINDSURF every instruments all vocals
    "I want Mariah in my bed"genre: Soul
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    made in 30 min
    Credits: nicolas WINDSURF every instruments all vocals
    "Pretty Baby (i want you )"genre: Rhythm & Blues
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    a song made to tell mariah carey that i d like to have her befor ei leave to deseappear in the island . not very good and a not original ... but thats all i can do actually
    Credits: nicolas all
    "wind around you (not for childs)."  Parental Advisorygenre: Adult Section (18 & over)
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    NOT FOR CHILDS the first version to try to have an affair with the déesse mariah c. it was 1?5year ago and i was badly influencated . WIth the time who leave : Im becomin more distingued , a real exceptionnal gentlemen : some bad frequentations have badly influencated me : at school .Im more than a gentleman : this intro is due a problem when i was a child . Im totally normal and not vulgarious : I HATE VULGARITY , thta s my message : in this intro : the woman in my mind ( héhé : you know who : the fabulous mariah ) was just a kinesithérapeuthe !
    Credits: nicolas WINDSURF every instruments all vocals
    "Girl from the screen ...( Antic song )"genre: Soul
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    I made too years ago ... i was a begginer , just escaped from my beach , near dissipated : i feel it when i listen to this : i was already in love with the international singer mariah carey this time !I cry now .
    Credits: nicolas WINDSURF every instruments all vocals
    "hold you tight"genre: Rhythm & Blues
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    and antic january 2002 song to the déesse mariah carey : I try to sing with her voice for her to understand better that i love her .
    Credits: nicolas WINDSURF every instruments all vocals
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