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Slick Pig | mp3.com/SlickPig |
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Welcome to the Mp3.com site for Slick Pig.
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www.slickpig.net Bio: Slick Pig is a one-man band made up of a 15 year old kid out of MA. The music style is kind of metal/rock/hardcore/grunge/trippy/other. He plays lots of instruments such as: wine cups, guitar, bass, vocals, metal bars, drums, & tons of others! Slick Pig has been playing music for 6-7 years. Slick Pig released its demo back in June '01 & is putting out his debut cd January 8th 2002! The new CD "Bottled Distortion" was mastered with Dana White at Specialized Mastering. It is being sold at all 23 Newbury Comics online at amazon.com and cdfreedom.com "A 14 year old rock Prodigy" Christopher Muther, The Boston Globe. "I'm incredibly jealous. I wish I was writing music this original at the ripe age of 14. Most musicians look for a sound of their own throughout their entire career. Nate has done it one his first shot." Dave-Megakungfu.com "Bottled Distortion" is a refreshing take on music. It's a completely warped, hyperactive and sometimes violent but its pure genius. I've never heard anything so good since the first time I heard Mr. Bungle or listened to "Goo" by Sonic Youth." Kier Byrnes, Whats Up Magazine. "This Kid is brilliant... If Thurston Moore had started out like this kid, the face of modern rock would be totally different." Chris Blackburn, YourSound.com "A music guru... This kid is still in school and he is unbelievable." --Carrie, WAAF 107.3-- "Professional metal bands pay shitloads of dough to sound this raw. But they can’t begin to capture the essence of Slick Pig’s multi-layered cacophony." (JR Walsh) Sound Check (soundcheckmag.net) "On Bottled Distortion this kid blows by teen angst and teeters on the brink of full blown psychosis." (Lou Costa)--The Noise Magazine-- "Although he's still a "kid" he's got more original ideas than most musicians twice his age." Metronome Magazine
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