A hard beat collision....from drum and bass to hardcore techno and softcore porn. This track lays it down and bends it inside out with nemerous voice manipulations and distorted synths to round out the cacauphony of beats and blips. |
CD: "The Computational Power of Punkrock"
Credits: MC Paddy Whack |
a slow-beated tweaked out and distorted, steady-rythmic robotic jungle/chemical beat ditty with no voices. |
CD: The Computational Power of Punkrock
This is a hard stomppin' 134 bpm bouncin' electro-jungle, intelligent techno cut..... full of voice manipulations and quick, smart changes in beat and tone. this is the first in a two part experimental series that investigates the dangerous debillitating desease of anerexia. |
CD: The Computational power of punkrock
the continuing battle of an epic struggle to achieve a diesese that is taken for grantit by those fortunate enough to have it. |
CD: The Computational Power of Punkrock
This is a remix of Livefeed's "Former Lover" by yours truely. It's a thick strange and beautiful breakbeat/drum and base/techno/experimental excursion with guitar lines and distorted vocals. |
Credits: Livefeed |
This is a beautiful and colorful breakbeat/experimental/IDM concoction....again this navigates the edges of several music types and changes thrust and past at a few different places...it keeps you on your toes. |
Credits: Livefeed |
A blend of hard techno beats, hard-step jungle breaks and distorted vocals with quick changes and unpredictable movement. A very thick, intelligent, smart, quickwitted experimental electronica. |
CD: Electronically Amused
This is a hard abstract-techno/breakbeat track with a beautiful melodic break....
chalked full of dense noise and featuring MC Paddy Whack. |
CD: Electronically Amused
Credits: Paddy Conor |