A powerful ballad about a couple meeting by chance on the streets of Brooklyn. This song will take you through the high of luck. |
CD: One Man Down Demo
Label: Demolition Records
Credits: One Man Down copyright 2003 all rights researved |
This is a Song about the natural travesy of Murphey's Law. If you enjoyed Ironic by Alanis Morissette, then you'll really get a kick out of this! |
CD: Everything Changes
Label: Demolition Studios
Credits: Copyright One Man Down 2003 |
People we don't know. Life is about risks and taking chances, and for one girl the risks are at a cost. The cost of a broken heart by an ego tripping, buff tall and tan, Loser Man. |
CD: Everything Changes
Label: Demolition Studios
Credits: Copyright One Man Down 2003 |