Guest vocalist Janet Kuypers gives a slow, burning, sensual spin to a classic Feedback tune. |
CD: Mom's Favorite Vase
Credits: Janet sings lead, Brian plays guitar and sings backup. |
Some people understand what Real power is. Listen to this groovy tune and find out for yourself. |
CD: Feedback's Cousin & His Whirling Sexual Dervish
Label: Me + U
Credits: Eric and Eli team up for the writing and performing. |
Meditate on this: an acoustic exploration. The music shifts like the sands of the Rub al Khali. Due to the recording quality there's some distortion, so do yourself a favor and turn down the bass. |
CD: Feedback's Cousin & His Whirling Sexual Dervish
Label: Me + U
Credits: Eli plays and sings a song written by Eric about Brian. |