I think the title of this song says it all. "Me without you." Just think what life would be like without the one you love. It was so easy to write this song, and I wrote it with the most incredible writer and person on this earth. Thank you Kelly for making such a beautiful song. I love you. You are my best friend.
Credits: Written By: Renee Bohland & Kelly Clark |
This song is simply put about the wonderful power of love. The amazing places it takes you when you have it. |
Credits: Written By: Bohland/Tyler Produced By: RB Productions |
This song has so many facets. It can be about a break up, it could be about a love your still waiting for, your soulmate, or it can be about losing someone you've loved forever, as in death. Its a very touching song that I wrote about someone I care for very deeply. |
Credits: Written By: Renee Bohland Produced By: RB Productions |