I wrote brainstorm two years ago, while going through a non deminational crisis. It's a deep song..Chords-wise. It suggests focusing on the adversities that life brings and also the hope that remains planted within ourselves. |
CD: Laetitia Koré
Label: OpenmindsRecords
Credits: Laetitia Koré(Voxes) and partial engineering, logic/reason software, George Tinkelenberg(main engineer, co-producer), Phil McIntyre: Artist Mngr |
It's about shining. Letting your inner beauty show...It tells you how beautiful every single one of us is; in general. |
CD: Laetitia Koré
Label: OpenmindsRecords/Chartwell Records
Credits: Laetitia Kore(vox and co-production), George Tinkelenberg: engineering |
Hoping to find the one literally... |
CD: brainstorm
Label: Chartwell Records
Credits: Koré: Vox... |