This song is about those times when u think of lost ones, or loves etc,,and u think about them, my voice doesnt do this song justice really...but hey can only do the bestwe can only within our limits.. |
Credits: OB Driftwood |
happy and hazy smiling and crazy , here comes baby the moon doogie |
Credits: RtThird , Ben driftwood and M Parray |
This song is basically influenced
by watching to many spagetti westerns,
the ones made pre 1970. I m a fan of
these movies, the greatest western
ever made(in my opinion) is
'For a Few Dollars more' so me and friend
Ray we, made up this kind of southern
feel song,,,this songs bout 11-12 yrs
old, he just luckily still had this in his
shed on tape..his wife, doesnt like
his voice but i think it sounds pretty good
captures a mood, thats right for this song..
i wonder what other stuff of ours he still has on tape, i will get him to have a look
and hopefully dig up some more songs..these
older ones i like better than the ones now im doing because they to me have more feel in them, and they make me remeber how much fun we had jamming in the shed, driving the neirbours mad, with of course of our third
member Ben(my dog)who always sat in on the sessions giving his wag of approval or disaproval |
Credits: RtThird/Ben Driftwood/M Parray |
Rock Song |
This is rock electric guitar rythum and vocal song, with a bit of bluegrass/banjo guitar sound thrown in to make it more interesing |
Credits: Otis B Driftwood |
Credits: M Parray |
rock |
Credits: Otis B Driftwood |
Surf Song |
Credits: M Parray |
This song, was written basically 5 years ago,,,but just recently remebered it,,,you see i can make up somthing in 2 minutes and then forget about it for years,,,
Credits: M Parray |
Credits: otis b driftwood |
Credits: Otis B driftwood |