Oh boy, we're proud of this one. It's epic, with lots of changes in sound, intensity and rhythm. The solo part at the end isn't too bad either. RECOMMENDED!!! |
CD: Make music, not love
Credits: Words&Music: Marcus Enochsson/Arr: Telepilot 380 |
A classic song already, with strong melody as well as hard riffing. Here it's recorded for demo purposes for the third time. This is definitely the best version. |
CD: Make music, not love
Credits: Words&Music: Marcus Enochsson/Arr: Telepilot 380 |
A jam that only has one rule, that is allowed to be interpreted in ANY way you want, as often as you want. And the rule is: F-F#-G! |
CD: Telepilot 380 - i jakten på ditt hjärta!
Credits: Telepilot 380 |