What do you get when you put lots and lots of particles together? A dude! Or some other stuff! |
There are some people who think the future will actually be pretty cool. I happen to be one of those people. Are you too? If so, do the shake. |
You can melt and fuse, melt and fuse. Usually for a while. |
Dude, the moon is NOT made of green cheese. |
~~~{o}~~~ |
Is this something a chick would like? I can never tell... |
I broke your robot really bad. |
I wonder if Winona Ryder likes guys who play guitar and are distinctly not funny. I mean, I think I can live with her being a shoplifter and all if she can deal with me being just some random dude. |
There'll be no rest for you or your little friend while there's still plastic to be mined from the landfills of the future. |
In memory of the countless parakeets that have died in captivity, never once asking for a cracker. |
There is a dark lord who wants to make everyone dance. He is very charismatic, and his enthusiasm is contagious, but he is, nonetheless, evil. When he feels his spell wearing off he kicks the dance into high gear. The exhausted (and very thin) masses can be heard lamenting their lot. |
If you broke your ankle doing the shake, take it out and put in a new one. |
Life in the soil is a lot more hectic than you might think. What, there aren't pressing issues in the ground? What about the ants? Don't tell me they're not busy because I know otherwise. There's no such thing as a lazy ant, you commie. |
If everyone had a gem like this lurking on a four track tape somewhere, then we'd all have wasted half our lives locked in the bedroom with a four track. |
Once there was this whole group of creatures called people. They came out of their caves and built houses. They learned to draw and paint, and they wrote songs, and they learned to have sex without being brutal about it. They were cool. Eventually they killed themselves off with these machines they built. Isn't that sad? |
It turns out that humor is everywhere; you just have to recognize it. The thing I wonder about humor is: What makes it so goddamn funny? |
Go for it! Collect all 9 hidden scepters to blast off into the hyper realm! Your princess awaits you in the Colonel's fortress! Find the blue mantle for an awesome surprise! You can do it! |