Rather than using canned laughter, the Seinfeld producers opt to use the laughter of a deranged man chained in a pit below their stage. This is the result. |
CD: Wagan Enterprise
Credits: Concept: JW, Execution: CF |
A group of elderly people have met at Chili's every Saturday afternoon for years on end. Their tradition is upheaved when kielbasa is added to the menu. Do they accept the change? |
CD: Wagan Enterprise
Credits: Concept: JW, Execution: CF |
A crowd is gathered for a concert of the band Kansas, holding up their lighters as they play "Dust in the Wind." Kansas abruptly starts playing the chorus of their 80's song "Fight Fire With Fire", startling everyone and causing them to fling their lighters everywhere. They burn alive, but the band keeps a'playin! |
CD: Wagan Enterprise