I had the grand plan of doing a track based on TR 808 and TR 909. This is the result, which is nice.
Created using Reason.
http://www.propellerheads.se/ |
Credits: © 2002 Arnie G. for EqualMuSiC 2002 |
Created using Electribes ER 1, EA 1, EM 1, Nordlead 2 and Reason.
http://www.propellerheads.se/ |
Credits: © 2002 Jonas S. for EqualMuSiC 2002 |
The Twins can make 303's that will annoy your parents. They are lazy, for sure, but when they write music in ReBirth, they can really put together some floorfriendly club killers.
"Drop the needle on the record, elbow some room and rock till you drop."
Created using ReBirth 2.0.1 and Reason.
http://www.propellerheads.se/ |
Credits: © 2002 The Twins and Arnie G. for EqualMuSiC 2002 |