Evey womans dream is to become eternally youthful. This tune is about the immortality of beautys' image..... |
MP3.com CD: Diminuendo - buy it!
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: Written, recorded and perfomed by myself |
Yes even our most cuddly and dearest teens are to be feared as homicidal psychopaths! Any one of them at any time could become enraged killers. Of course "guns dont kill people, people kill people." as a statement is factual but ignores the simple truth that guns are primarily tools for killing. Target shooting, trap, etc. are merely sublimations of a firearms' true utility. With that said, if any psychopath can own and possess a gun then I FEEL NAKED WITHOUT ONE MYSELF!! tell me what you think..... |
CD: diminuendo
Credits: written perfomed and recorded by myself |
CD: innuendo
Credits: Music and words, yours truly |
No class at all! Infinate narcissistic self absorbtion! Who else but a blues musician would equate a lost relationship with a broken phone or a mere commodity such as a car? This is over the top and frankly too middle class for real blues subject material. time for some self-recognition hmmm? |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
This one is a statement of moral relativity |
CD: innuendo
A sensitive ballad from a warm, empathetic soul who has clearly grown from lifes' experiences |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
An eternal truth, this statement is a useful paradigm for all women everywhere, at any time in history. When the chips are down, I find that the best policy in dealing with most women is to lie and prey upon their emotional needs. Tell me what you think..... |
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: written and recorded by myself Dedicated to my 13 year old Daughter Casey who needs to fully comprehend this message. |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
Perhaps better yeast is the answer. Ask Martha Stewart. She has the middle aged blues also. |
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: Music and words, performance, recording, etc yours truly |
The singer reaches out to to listener tenderly and lovingly without compromising his masculinity and shares his wise and mature vision of life and love that has formed in the crucible of pain and sorrow. |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
Another American Hero is born in this song about individualism and nonconformity. |
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: written and recorded by myself |
A love song from an unseen admirer. Dont we all need one? |
CD: beatitudes
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
This one was written for my wife , Carrie who puts up with my odd hours and chaotic approach to life in general. so ia hve been unable to give it the usual lyrical twist. My daughter casey says that it does not sound like a love song at all so I tried one more time with Carries' Circus which really kisses ass! |
CD: Diminuendo
A serious attempt at a love song. |
CD: diminuendo
Credits: Music and words etc yours truly |
CD: diminuendo
Credits: Music and words etc yours truly |
Extolling the benefits of healthy execise and fresh air, safe sex and motorcycles |
CD: innuendo
Sometimes even hillbillys get what they wish for. |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself Backup vocals by my daughter Casey And her friend Sara |
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: Music and words etc yours truly |
Imagine! This guy has no class. Lusting after some lowbrow bitch tha obviously has no feelings for him at all! A clear case of low self esteem! |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
This is for all of the cheap thrill addicts out there. Interestingly, hi tech for the masses has not elevated the passtimes of humanity. Improved communication appears to allow most people to share their lowest, most depressingly unimaginative fantasies with one another. |
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
This guy risks' all by telling his lover that she is like a freight train. Rather unflattering.... Why not, "you're like a bus" or "You're my oil tanker"...
Seriously, I like this one. Hopefully it will evetually bring Matt some recognition..possibly even some money |
CD: Dry as Dust
Credits: written, produced and perfomed by Matt Imboden |
No words for this one. They just never arrived. |
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
Lost in a fog of chemical use, pointless self gratification and unrequited love, the singer expresses his loss and loneliness in terms of his destructive lifestyle and low self image. A fitting subject for the blues. |
CD: innuendo
Credits: written produced and perfomed by myself |
n |
CD: Diminuendo
Credits: Music and words, yours truly. banjo Matt Imboden |
When you screw up stuff like this happens! |
CD: Diminuendo
After reading about coal mining around the turn of the century. I can think of numerous, more desirable occupations...... |
CD: Dry as Dust
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Arr. Vocals & Banjo; Matt Imboden |
There it is in black & white. Make your choice and live with it...Forever!
Its like buying a house or getting married but the consequences last longer and probably hurt more. Personally I try to staddle the fence a bit and grab some immediate gratification if I can get away with it. |
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Dobro & Banjo Matt Imboden. Lyrics, Bass, Harmonica, Vocals & guitar Paul Mumma, guitar: Terry Link Mandolin Dave Boothe |
Rationalizing his victimization by a cruel society our subject embraces mysticism and fuzzy headedness. Meanwhile the rest of the western world works its ass off for items of questionable necessity in an environment that values "productivity" and treats time as a commodity. |
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Dobro & Banjo Matt Imboden. Lyrics, Bass, Harmonica, Vocals & guitar Paul Mumma, guitar: Terry Link |
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Lead vocals Dobro, Bass & Guitar & Banjo Matt Imboden. Harmonica,& Vocals Paul Mumma, guitar: Terry Link Mandolin Dave Boothe |
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Music and words, yours truly Dobro and banjo Matt Imboden |
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Lead vocals Dobro, Bass & Guitar & Banjo Matt Imboden. Harmonica,& Vocals Paul Mumma, guitar: Terry Link Mandolin Dave Boothe |
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Banjo, Guitar and Dobro: Matt Imboden The rest: yours truly |
CD: Dry as Dust
Credits: Co-written by Matt Inboden & Paul Mumma |
A criminal sociopath celebrates his alienation and emotional distance from his fellow man. |
CD: Dry as Dust
Credits: written and recorded by myself |
About sexual jealousy, alcoholism,selfishness,lust and murder. Who says our modern culture has a monopoly on decadence? |
CD: Dry as Dust
Credits: Banjo & vocals Matt Inboden Guitar; Norm Guttridge, Mandolin; Dave Boothe, Bass Harmonica and vocals; Paul Mumma |
This is a tragic song about love turned to hate. Somewhere within you may find a poorly focused, muddy, moral message |
CD: Dry as Dust
Credits: Written by Paul Mumma rescued by Matt Inboden from Pauls' mediocre musicianship. Matt plays guitar, banjo, and fiddle on this one |
A serious attempt at an old time tear jerker |
CD: Dry As Dust
Credits: Music and words, performance, recording, etc yours truly |