The Misadventures of Johnny Taliban is a lighthearted, heartwarming story of a spoiled rich brat who renounces the free world in favor of ferocious oppression and intolerance. Don't blame poor little Johhny, he was just on a journey to find himself. It's worth giving it a listen for the award-winning theme song alone. |
MP3.com CD: First Offense! - buy it!
CD: First Offense!
Label: Triskellion Entertainment
Credits: Jack Riley and Nippol Pearson |
A holiday message from the Life Sentence Radio cartoon characters: Cartoon Nippol, Cartoon Colonel and Cartoon Warden. Not recommended for pacifists. |
MP3.com CD: First Offense! - buy it!
CD: First Offense!
Label: Triskellion Entertainment
Credits: Jack Riley, Nippol Pearson and The Colonel |
From the Life Sentence Radio archives from 1943, this stirring rendition of the Itsy Bitsy Spider song was delivered by General Patton much to the delight of children worldwide. |
MP3.com CD: First Offense! - buy it!
CD: First Offense!
Label: Triskellion Entertainment
Credits: Jack Riley and Nippol Pearson |
Oi, oi, oi! It's Cartoon Nippol! Life Sentence Radio invented the Radio Cartoon. The Cartoon Nippol series features the Life Sentence characters in 8 year old versions. This episode deals with Nippol Pearson's alter ego's bladder problem and the problems it causes. |
MP3.com CD: First Offense! - buy it!
CD: First Offense!
Label: Triskellion Entertainment
Credits: Jack Riley and Nippol Pearson |
A Christmas Carol the way it was meant to be told. No longer will the greedy poor take advantage of a Scrooge who is converted from his charitable ways by a cavalcade of ghosts. |
MP3.com CD: First Offense! - buy it!
CD: First Offense!
Label: Triskellion Entertainment
Credits: Jack Riley, Nippol Pearson and The Colonel |