This song is a journey into an icy nether world of trip hop / ambience / and breakz. The vocals in this track are very sobering, a harsh view of the reality of lonlieness. Basslines are definately our thing, as you can tell from this track, I highly recommend trying out all of these tracks on a subwoofer to really feel the intensity of the chillness. Is that an oxymoron? We dont think so. |
This track was written during experimentation with lucid dreaming (www.lucidity.org). Tracks like this always make me feel like i'm in a state of semi-subconsciousness. The state right before you realize whether you're awake yet or not. Then we move through the track into the feeling of motivation, the desire to achieve. The bassline in this track is really punchy, I was very happy with the final result. Please direct any comments, questions, etc to tendo@dnb.net |
n : contemplation of one's navel
This track was originally titled "hardness" until we decided that was way to cliche. The track is basically an argument between three of my favorite breakbeats, with a rinsin sound bassline flying through. We made this track to bring more of a hardcore flavor to the sound we're developing. More hard drum and bass tracks will be posted soon(although they are much different than this one) |