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    This is a concept album.

    Electronic music has been developing rapidly in the last couple of years. People are just starting to except it as a musical form. It has been very underground and despised by the modern rock culture for a variety of reasons. First of all when they started making electronic music they used loop machines, like the ones radio stations use for commercials. The resulting music was weird, and madly repetitive.
    Some people like weirdness of it and started developing it more until several types of electronic music were created. As the music got progressively better and better. More and more people liked it. It created a market, software companies started making programs to make the music. The music is now being used in commercials, movies and T.V. However, most people kept creating the same repetitive music. In-fact there are several categories of electronic that all have the same base beat. Some people love this pounding rhythm. I find that it is sometimes appropriate but if I hear it too long, it degrades my listening experience.
    This medium is the most versatile form of music there is. There are no rules, no limits on the type of music that can be produced. As we start to explore the boundary’s of this new type of music, we will discover that it is possible to progress and develop a sound that utilizes all types of music from around the world.
    This medium is going to change the confines of genera. For too long, record companies have told bands what they have to conform to. The bands that made it the farthest are the ones that didn’t conform. They wanted to play their music. Then their success always creates a mad frenzy to be like them. Pretty soon the sound gets played out and another band gets a brilliant idea… “Hey why don’t we just build off of this music and make our own style.” And so the cycle repeats it’s self again.
    Now the machine is in motion. The music scene is just about witness the evolution of music once more. People are tired of the boring techno thump. People want something more intelligent. They want development. A new music is emerging. A powerful music that will only get better as time goes by. If you look around you can start to see it.
    This album is only a collection of some of the first ideas I have been working on, put together for your enjoyment. This is only a taste of what will happen in the future.
    After writing these songs I have a good idea of how to tackle the development of the next album. I have been studying all different types of artists and music. There is something that every type of music has to offer. Experiment, and don’t get stuck in one style. Keep an open mind and listen for the things you like. Don’t pre-judge another style. Listen and try to feel what the artist wants you to feel.
    This changes everything

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    "Drums in the Deep"genre: Progressive Electronica
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    CD: SolarFlares   Label: Archangel Records
    Credits: 2003 Jonathan Land
    "Invertebrate"genre: Experimental
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    Smooth flowing synth sounds with steadily progressive drums from Africa in a thunder storm. Soon to be one of your favorite songs. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    Credits: All songs orchestrated and produced by FireLand and we reserve all rights to all songs on the album FireLand.
    "Midnight"genre: Ambient
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    This song is a experiment in the way that the guitar is mixed. There are several different guitar tracks that I spent many long hours mixing so they keep working together in different ways each time you hear them. I also incorporated an orchestra of drums and textures. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    Credits: All songs orchestrated and produced by FireLand and we reserve all rights to all songs on the album FireLand.
    "Dreams of Paradise"genre: Ambient
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    Ambient bliss, floating in thick textures and liquid leads pulse through the chambers of the universe. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    Credits: All songs orchestrated and produced by FireLand and we reserve all rights to all songs on the album FireLand.
    "Antigravity"genre: Experimental
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    An intriguing glimpse into the future of modern music as the boundaries genre are beginning to seem out of focus. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    "Ripples"genre: Progressive Trance
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    Constant change in tempo, really worked to achieve very dynamic rhythm engineering for massive crescendos. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    "24hrs"genre: Techno
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    This song was written to get people dancing 130 bpm, it changes all through the song you have to hear it to understand. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    "Steady Rain"genre: Tribal
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    Steady Rain Puts you in another time and holds you there with tribal and conventional drums accompanied by the haunting sounds of the didgeridoo. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    Credits: FireLand
    "SoundEscape"genre: Experimental
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    The soundscape in this song tell a tale without words. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    Credits: All songs orchestrated and produced by FireLand and we reserve all rights to all songs on the album FireLand.
    "Drums of Thunder"genre: Tribal
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    Tribal beats echo through the primal jungles of unknown regions in the world. CD: FireLand - buy it!buy it!
    CD: FireLand
    Credits: All songs orchestrated and produced by FireLand and we reserve all rights to all songs on the album FireLand.
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