This is a remake of Completly gone, it has a new chorus. This is about my ex that is from hell |
This is jsut a first take recording of idea me and andy had.. we'll have a new recording soon with two guitars |
THis is the begininning of a new song. Pretty coked up on caffine and i wrote and recorded this much in one night and decided to post it, ill have the whole song done soon |
Another night writing session..... a better version will come |
Matt and i wrote this and recorded it in one night. It REALLY rough as of now but i figured id post it anyways.. ill get a better version on soon |
just started this, it isnt close to being done..but oh well osrry if it sucks |
This is the first recording of a song i wrote not too long ago, needs work but i figure id post it sincei hadent posted anything in a while |
Another start of a song, there will again be more to come |
Me and my buddy matt were jamming around and recorded this, my brohter and my roomate joined in a little too.. FUN STUFF |
Again, matt and i jammin... expect the real song soon |
Me and my buddy matt jammin around freestylin and whatnot WORD. Expect the real song wihtin a week |