Among the most dedicated of the Paraplegic Shocktroops are the feared and revered members of NEGATIVE CONFESSION, the Paraplegic Theater's elite corps of agents specializing in psy-ops and media warfare. NegCon has just returned from their recent East Coast tour and will be going into the studio again in order to start work on their next album Music For Drugs, which will feature live material from this tour and the previous one.
Click Here For NEGATIVE CONFESSION Merchandise
Click Here To Enter The NEGATIVE CONFESSION Website
And lo, it was the best of times, it was the end of times - for a great thing, like unto a legion had formed. And from the wailing and gnashing of teeth a monstrous being rose up and covered the land. This being had unto itself four heads that were but One. Each head had upon it's summit a multitude of horns, shining like a crown of spectral fire, and it was good.
- Maroon Codex, Chapter 5, Verse 23
Credits: X Kang |
Credits: X Kang |
CD: Ritual Abuse
Credits: X Kang |
CD: Ritual Abuse
Credits: X Kang |
CD: Ritual Abuse
Credits: X Kang |
CD: Ritual Abuse
Credits: X Kang |
Recorded live during a ritual performance - Walpurgis Night, 2000 |
CD: Ritual Abuse
Credits: X Kang |
Swim the dark waters |
CD: Ritual Abuse
Credits: X Kang |
And so it begins... | CD: Horrorshow - buy it!
CD: Horrorshow
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Horrorshow - buy it!
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Horrorshow - buy it!
CD: Horrorshow
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Horrorshow - buy it!
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Horrorshow - buy it!
CD: Horrorshow
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Horrorshow - buy it!
CD: Horrorshow
Credits: X Kang |
Take a trip through the Last Stages of Death | CD: Horrorshow - buy it!
CD: Horrorshow
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Dark Moods - buy it!
CD: Dark Moods
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Dark Moods - buy it!
CD: Dark Moods
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Dark Moods - buy it!
CD: Dark Moods
Credits: X Kang |
Remember: Cannibalism is funny! | CD: Dark Moods - buy it!
CD: Dark Moods
Credits: X Kang |
Dedicated to the Brothers of Haitian Nation | CD: Dark Moods - buy it!
CD: Dark Moods
Credits: X Kang |
| CD: Dark Moods - buy it!
CD: Dark Moods
Credits: X Kang |
"All warfare is based on deception."
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War | CD: Dark Moods - buy it!
CD: Dark Moods
Credits: X Kang |