Well, my friend and I were bored one day and I just got my first computer that could run Windows 95 on. So we fired up good old Windows Sound Recorder, my kickass Yamaha keyboard, and our awesome lyrical skills and hit record. |
CD: The End, The End (v2)
Label: kamikazemedia.com
Credits: words - g.brendel / a.gealy, music - g.brendel |
This is a really old one... from 1995... or early 1996... not really that experimental in a general sense, but experimental for me. |
CD: The End (v2) / Greatest "Hits"
Label: kamikazemedia.com
Credits: g.brendel - everything |
This was pretty much a demo of a song I never got to finish. The lyrics get extremely repetetive. The original was lost and this is all I have left of the song... |
CD: The End / The End (v2) / Greatest "Hits"
Label: kamikazemedia.com
Credits: g.brendel - everything |