Our most recent creation. A biblically epic onslaught of two titans doing battle inside my face of adversity. |
CD: My Sweet Copy
Label: BeeBear Records
Credits: jesus, allah, moses, noah, vishnu, father christmas, mom, batman, spastics, special needs and all the other funny imaginary characters. oh yes, and colin and dog (bless his burnt soul) |
He stood in a queue. Crying. He was third. Surely it must be his turn soon. Alas no. |
CD: My Sweet Copy
Label: BeeBear Records
Credits: Yum yum. |
He lives in the land of bolivia and carries out the plumbing needs for a viariety of circuses. And he is a circus. And he's made of circuses. circii. ci. |
CD: My Sweet Copy
Label: BeeBear Records
Credits: For this one too? Yes please. |