The first official release from Impulse-Momentum Principle (featuring Newton's 2nd Law) entitled "Ballistic Pendulum." There's really nothing else to say about it. [Made with eJay and Taureg] www.ejay.com www.brambos.com |
CD: The 251 Laboratory
Label: None
Credits: Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Richard Feynman, Albert Einstein. |
This one's a little calmer than the others because calculating moment of intertia is a calming experience. |
CD: The 251 Laboratory
Label: None
Credits: Johannes Kepler, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, J. Robert Oppenheimer |
"Angular Momentum" is a dark and angry piece of music. It eats away the soul. It claws at the core of your being and tears through from the inside out.
Yes, I failed the test on this section. |
CD: The 251 Laboratory
Label: None
Credits: Young's modulus of a rubber band, Gauss, and your mama. |