this is actually two songs, performed live 3/16/03 at Go! in Chapel Hill NC. the full title of the second song is "..and he lived happily ever after, until the end of his days". bear in mind the recording is the audio track from a camcorder, not a sound board recording. just a taste of what's to come. |
CD: umm.. never nowhere but here
Label: steve made it on his nifty camera
Credits: lieb/andrews/smith/templeton/gillan |
first track off the demo. recorded at studio grey in charlotte NC. sentence fragments. why are you still awake? |
CD: last night and the rest of your life (demo)
Label: diy
Credits: lieb/andrews |
your arms still feel like home..
so do chris kincaid's (one amazin' kid)
he recorded this for us and threw in some vocals for good measure. we love chris. |
CD: last night and the rest of your life (demo)
Label: diy
Credits: lieb/andrews |