Like most things in the universe, love appears to vary according to a periodic but chaotic function. Isn't that romantic? This song is my attempt at channeling Stevie Wonder, from before the grave. |
CD: MetaMusic
Credits: Kyle Honeycutt: Drums; Joe Balestreri: Vocals, Pitched Instruments, Production |
For each item we purchase, the Earth has incurred a cost: the environmental damage done during the creation and transportation of that item. Please choose your purchases wisely. This psychedelic-funk-rock tune will blow your pants off. |
CD: MetaMusic
Credits: Kyle Honeycutt: Drums, Joe Balestreri: Pitched instruments, production |
This one has the energy of a double espresso shot. Watch out for the ride cymbal... the edge is very sharp. You get to hear this groove at quadruple speed and normal speed at the same time. (maybe it's a quadruple shot...) |
CD: MetaMusic
Credits: Kyle Honeycutt: Drums, Satellite Dish - Joe Balestreri: Remainder, & Production |