I guess relationships don't have to end, but when the writing's on the wall... |
CD: Honey Pot
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement by Brad Barnes; vocals - Vanessa Mondanaro; guitars - Brad Barnes; bass - Jeff Weimer; drums - James Johnson; engineering by James Johnson |
Co-dependence in all its awful glory! |
CD: Honey Pot
Credits: written, arranged, produced by Brad Barnes; vocals - Vanessa Mondanaro; guitars - Brad Barnes; bass - Jeff Weimer; drums - James Johnson; engineering by James Johnson |
Sometimes there is a struggle between who we are and who those closest to us want us to be. I think it's better to face rejection as yourself and hold on to your dreams... |
CD: Honey Pot
Credits: music, lyrics, arranging by Brad Barnes; vocals by Vanessa Mondanero; guitar by Brad Barnes; engineering by James Johnson |