This song (part 1) sets the stage for The Dreamworld. A story of a guy who falls in love, loses love and then finds something unshakable to put his hopes in at the end. "Romance" is the scene in which the main character falls for the girl of his dreams...or so he thinks. It's a soft rock ballad with acoustic guitar, flute, keyboards, male and female vocals. Enjoy! |
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Label: Mp3.com Release
Credits: Lyrics and Lead vocals: Matt Marcy; Music: After Life |
The Shocking News is chapter 2 in the story of The Dreamworld, a progressive rock album. This song is a progressive rock instrumental that conveys the emotions of the main character finding out that his dream girl really doesn't love him. The drastic cut off between songs 1 and 2 is deliberate. It is to try and convey the emotions of suddenly finding out she didn't mean what she said she did...ie, The Shocking News. Musically I would compair this song to Dream Theater, Fates Warning and maybe even a little Van Halen. Thanks for listening!
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Matt Marcy and After Life |
Disappointment is part 3 of The Dreamworld progressive rock piece. It is about the main character's frustration from his romantic relationship falling apart, and his futile hopes/efforts to get it back and salvage what he had. He's looking back on what happened, and asking questions about life...his frustraions, etc. This is a hard rock style song, heavily influenced by Queensryche, Shadow Gallery and Fates Warning...it ROCKS!
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Lead vocals: Kurt Rickerd; Words & Music: Matt Marcy & After Life |
Bitterness is chapter 4 of The Dreamword progressive rock album. It is a melow song with nylon string harmony guitars, keyboards and a really cool rain effect in the background. Recited over the acoustic guitar progression is a poem that was written back in 1992 by Matt Marcy. It basically describes the main character's frustration and bitterness toward God, life and the fact that it seems unfair. See the lyrics for this song and you will get a pretty good idea.
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
Credits: Spoken Dialogue: Kurt Rickerd; Lyrics & Music: Matt Marcy & After Life |
God Speaks is a song about God's reply to the main Character's bitterness and frustration toward life (see song 4 "Bitterness" of The Dreamworld progressive rock album). It's deffinitely the heaviest song on the album...reminescent of Helloween, Iron maiden, Metallica and Tool. It's a lot like the concept behind the book of Job in the Bible...God is basically letting the main character know what's up.
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Lead vocals: Kurt Rickerd; Words & Music: Matt Marcy & After Life |
Part 6 of The Dreamworld, Running From The Truth is an instrumental metal song reminiscent of Iron Maiden and Fates Warning. There are some VERY flashy guitar solos and some great drum licks involved! It's pretty straight 4/4, with the exception of the beginning which has a very wierd time signature. It's theme is the frantic and futile attempt by the main character to run from the truth, and live in denial of his convictions about life, God...etc. This song just FLAT ROCKS!! A MUST LISTEN!! |
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Matt Marcy and After Life |
Conviction is chapter 7 of The Dreamworld progressive rock album. In musical style it's similar to the first song (chapter 1 "Romance") only it's at a different point in the story. The main character has had all he can take, and is now settling down and contemplating the truth of God's love...(see the lyrics). It's a soft rock piece in the vein of Queensryche/Fates Warning...clean tone elecric guitar, 12 string acoustic, drums and an electric guitar solo at the end. This marks the end of act 1 in The Dreamworld story.
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Lead vocals: Kurt Rickerd; Words & Music: Matt Marcy & After Life |
Introspection marks the begining of act 2 in The Dreamworld progressive rock album. This is an istrumental guitar solo. It's unique because the guitar is run through a harmonizer that adds a very emotional texture to it. It is very moody with lots of delay, reminiscent of Queen's Bijou, or the guitar solo before Metallica's Damage Incorporated. This song basically represents an inward searching in the main character's journey.
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Matt Marcy |
Part 9 of the Dreamworld, Perspective is a song that seethes with emotion! Musically it is influenced by bands like U2, Fates Warning, Queensryche, Pink Floyd and even Mike And The Mechanics. It's about the main Character realizing and acknowledging the truth that God has been with him all along, and has carried him when he has been weak...like the 'footprints in the sand' concept. In the begining of this song the main character is reflecting on the past, and how he put this woman that he loved above God. It's powerful...check out the lyrics!
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Lyrics and Lead vocals: Matt Marcy; Music: After Life |
Repentance is the happy ending of The Dreamworld story (a progressive rock album). Musically I would compare it to The Police, or Spandau Ballet (True). It's a beautiful piece, with acoustic guitar, piano and some wonderful 4 part harmonies. It marks the end of the main character's journey through pain and heartache, and his realization of what he can really count on in the end. He has come full circle, and has made a life changing discovery...see the lyrics!
MP3.com CD: The Dreamworld - buy it!
CD: The Dreamworld
Credits: Lyrics and Lead vocals: Matt Marcy; Music: After Life |
Recorded in Kurt's house in 2002. Electric and acoustic guitars, lead & harmony vocals, and um percussion (uh yeah). Real melodic. |
Credits: Matt Marcy & Kurt Rickerd |