I got the name from a Britney Spears quote, and I also used thephenomenom of Britney Spears as the title of my second CD, Supermarket Magazine Superstar.Listen to the whole song, because theres a 10 second phone conversation in the beginning.Trust me! You'll like it. |
CD: Supermarket Magazine Superstar
Label: 21st Century Gerbil
Credits: Ned Dymoke |
Shut yo mouth cracka! Its the Limey Rappa!Aiee dog i'm rapping with ma homeboyeee Terminus. We collaberated on this spankadelic track especially for ya. Actually its a jokey old skool hip hop songdone by a couple of suburban white kids. Enjoy! |
CD: Whiteboy Retarded 2001
Label: 21st Century Gerbil Records
Credits: Ned Dymoke (Bighead Ned) + Terminus (Andy Smith) |
a remix of the Gomez song 'Bring it On'.No, its not very good. I did it for a laugh.Oh well... have a listen anyway. |
Label: 21st Century Gerbil
Credits: Ned Dymoke |