"...If you like unpretentious rock, domestic cold beer on warm summer nights and a lovely American girl on your arm, this would be a pretty good soundtrack for you..."
Sherrie Gulmahamad - Citizen Robot
March 2003 |
CD: Bang
Label: Independant
Credits: Green Rode Shotgun |
"...these guys simply kick ass. Just now emerging from the gritty land of Jack Daniels, these five young Tennesseans play clever, skillful, catchy rock n' roll music, something that we can always use more of. Did I mention that this record is good?.."
Anonymous - The Chicago Maroon
March 11th 2003 |
MP3.com CD: Bang - buy it!
CD: Bang
Label: Independant
Credits: Green Rode Shotgun |
"...Yes, I realize that we have a relative plethora of good rock n' roll bands these days, with Wilco, Queens of the Stone Age, Interpol, Spoon, and the White Stripes, among many others, all thrilling us with their own version of the devil's music. You can add Green Rode Shotgun to this last, though with an asterisk. Many influences are evident in their music, from country and punk, to alt-rock and Brit-pop--GRS (can't resist the acronym) pours them all in a blender and hits DESTROY..."
Anonymous - The Chicago Maroon
March 11th 2003 |
MP3.com CD: Bang - buy it!
CD: Bang
Label: Independant
Credits: Green Rode Shotgun |
"...with each spin, this mid-state guitar-pop band's debut four song EP "Persistence of Youth" sounds more and more like the find of the year..."
-Noel Murray-
The Nashville Scene |
MP3.com CD: Persistence Of Youth - EP - buy it!
CD: Persistence Of Youth - EP
Label: Independent
Credits: Green Rode Shotgun |
"...at times as loose and swaggering as high school garage rockers, Green Rode Shotgun melds that intensity with slippery, experimental melodies of the Flaming Lips or Robyn Hitchcock. On "Lost Song" hints of Peter Buck's jangling guitar peer up through the tracks and on the title track the band channels the Violent Femmes, Dead Milkmen and even a little early U2..."
-Clay Steakley-
Nashville Rage
MP3.com CD: Persistence Of Youth - EP - buy it!
CD: Persistence Of Youth EP
Label: Independent
Credits: Green Rode Shotgun |