This Is an oringial track here.(A must have)I did this song in 2002 but it's still hot, so let me know what you think. It's about how I return to the MiC after taking time off to do something eles. There's not too much aggression in it but it's far from softcore. Real hype though! |
CD: The Take Over
Label: ill Minded Records
Credits: I like to thank Meria for my hook, Nicca Rome for the studio time and the Beat Maker. |
This track was Really a freestyle, then I remade it over in a greater fashion.
That's how I came about this track "All About Da Bengemenz". It's basically about how I feel about money and why. Also it's about things it can and will get you if your not careful. Though, I'm only Hanggin' wit da ppls that be all about the $$$'s |
CD: The Take Over
Label: ill Minded Records
Credits: JC Beats |
This track here is to let my listeners know that I Keep it oringinal. I made this with my buddy -Mad Man- just to show off my love for the music. It's alot of skills in this one so pay close attention. Let me know what you think about it. |
CD: The Take Over
Label: i'll Minded Records
Credits: I got this beat from "Rock It Productions" This Is My World. Thankx |