For anybody who dont know yet, i have moved and will not be updating this site anymore,
Heres my new website:::::::.....
http://alvinhustla.com/rt/RT.htm :::::::.....
All my beats are posted there, and also latest cd's to download for free! check it out and holla |
Label: So Jurz Ent
Credits: Producer: Avini |
Para los que no sepan todavia, yo he movido la pagina y no voy a poner nada nuevo en esta pagina, aqui esta la pagina nueva :::::::..... http://alvinhustla.com/rt/RT.htm :::::::..... Todas mis pistas estan puestas hay y tambien los cd's mas nuevos para bajar de gratis estan hay!! Chequeanlo y me dejan saber.... |
Label: So Jurz Entertainment
Credits: Producer : Āvini |
Credits: Avini for Remake |