5000 years ago, an Innu man finds himself trapped under the arctic ice, these are his dreams, or hallucinations. This soundscape accompanies a flash animation which has been accepted into the LOOK Exhibition, a juried art exhibition in the Gallery Lambton in sarnia, Ontario, Canada. |
CD: Earth 2
Label: MBPro
Credits: Mike Blackmore - composer, engineer |
What is The Medium? It is an intervention, it is all that is between the initial thought and the sensory perception of that thought. |
CD: Earth 2
Label: MBPro
Credits: Mike Blackmore - engineer/author/arranger |
The Europa Sirens have never been seen, only heard. Their whisperings and arias have been tracked to the surface of asteroid EB173, located 5.8 billion km from Earth, and is part of the Kuiper Belt, a ring of icy debris orbiting the sun, located out beyond Neptune. |
CD: Earth 2
Label: MBPro
Credits: Mike Blackmore - producer/arranger/author |